Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Not a sorority girl, initiation dress

I love a good jacket. When I saw this at H&M I knew I needed to have it in my closet. I knew it would go with this dress. I bought this dress in the fall. In August of last year I transferred colleges and in that process in order to make friends I decided to rush for a sorority. I talked to my older sister who had been in a sorority and really enjoyed her time and kind of persuaded me to do it. I went through fall recruitment and I'll be honest it was not the best experience but I like to take each experience as a learning experience we go through. A new sorority was coming onto campus and I met the women who were starting the sorority up and decided to rush this sorority. I went through the interview process and wound up getting a bid and accepting it. So, I joined the new sorority I went to all the meetings and tried to make it to as many sisterhood events as possible. I was so happy that my neighbor got in the sorority as well and we were having fun. However, the bills kept coming and it was becoming difficult to do anything besides go to school and be in the sorority.Since the sorority had not been established yet they were not able to do normal events that sorority's get to do. It turned out my best friends that I had met at school were not in the sorority and I found myself wondering why I was paying so much money a month for something I was not putting 100% of myself into. We had initiation coming up and we had to wear white which is why I purchased this white dress. The week of initiation I spoke with my mother and we discussed it and she said that the sorority life was not really for me. She could hear how stressed I was about affording it and realized that my core group of friends were not apart of the sorority. I decided to drop out that week and emailed one of the women running it explain I was having trouble affording it. She was very sweet and tried to help the best she could but I had made up my mind that this was not for me. That is not to say I believe sororities are bad or anything at all! I think they are wonderful especially for incoming freshman they definitely provide that family aspect that you miss out on once you move. I was coming in as a junior and only had maybe a year in a half in Tallahassee due to my last semester being an internship. I met some wonderful girls while in the sorority who I am still friends with but the financial commitment is huge and I learned it is quite difficult to get out once you have been initiated. I completely get why you would join but for me it was not the right decision. Well, thank you for reading and hope you enjoy the look below!

Jacket: H&M
Dress: Sosie
Heels: Baker Shoes (old)
Sunglasses: H&M
Necklace: Bauble Bar (Similar)
Earrings: Private Gallery
Ring: Tiffany's
Bag: H&M 


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