
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Sweater belt flare

Happy Thursday everyone! I hope you are having a great day! Its almost Friday so get ready because the weekend is here! Its the last weekend before Christmas? Can someone just tell me how Christmas got here so fast? Who do you still have left on your list?!

It hasn't been cold here at all! I'm a little jealous of all the people with snow. However, at night it can get a little bit chilly where you need a light coat. I have had this sweater for a few years now. I also have it in black! I love belting it with a flare pair of jeans! By the way my jeans are on sale! They are linked below.

I hope you are having a wonderful Thursday! Christmas will be here soon enough and that means vacations and all sorts of fun things coming up! I'll talk to you guys soon! Please don't forget to leave me comments and follow (which is over on the right hand side)! 



Jacket: Hope's (old) / Denim: Nordstrom (ON SALE) / Boots: Target (Old) (Similar here and here) / Belt: H&M (came on a dress) / Bag: Kate Spade

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