
Monday, December 28, 2015

Plaid & Tory

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a great holiday with friends and family. I had a wonderful time with my family and friends! I know some of you are heading back to work today but soon enough another holiday is upon us. Its that time to begin new years resolutions. What are yours going to be? Most people want to get fit! Is that on your list?

 I want to be healthier but that is not just a new year resolution. 

My main goal is just to be happy and content in the place that I am in my life. I honestly haven't been happy for a long time. I will admit that I can be that person who always finds something wrong. However, I'm learning that if i am going to completely trust God that means letting go of control which, for a control freak like me is really difficult to do. I might not be in the place I want to be just yet but he has a reason for having us in certain places in life. Maybe you were there to help someone else and also gain experience. Either way my goal is to CHOOSE happiness! I can't wait to see what 2016 has in store!

 I'll have some fun New Years eve outfits coming out the next few days for you! Stay tuned!!


Poncho: Hope's (Similar here and here) / Shirt: Target / Jeans: American Eagle / Boots: Tory Burch / Bag: Nordstrom (Similar)

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