
Monday, March 2, 2015

Transitioning to warmer weather

Happy Monday everyone! I hope your week has started out great! Mine has because it was in the 70's today! I actually was able to go to the pool! I have missed the warmer weather! Sorry for no posts last week! I had final exams and just didn't have the time to shoot the looks or when I did it was raining! However, I am back! Hope you like this look as much as I do. 

This outfit is so cute and is the perfect outfit to go out in! I recently wore it out this past weekend and I received so many compliments. Its still chilly at night here so this look is perfect to be dressy and cute but not be freezing. I have been wearing my jeans so much and was bored with them. This outfit gives me new life and gets me excited for spring! I can't wait to bring out my floral and colorful pieces! Well, I'm off to finish some errands! See you soon!! 

Jacket: Forever21 (Similar herehere,and here) / Top: Express / Pants: Charlotte Russe (Similar here and here) / Shoes: Coach / Bag: Coach / Necklace: Target


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