
Monday, March 30, 2015

Dress it up & slick it back

Hello all! I am back! I haven't posted in about two weeks because my photographers were out of town and I was sick! But I should be back with new posts!

If you watched any of the award shows this season then the slicked back hair look was one of the popular looks on the red carpet. When Kim Kardashian had long hair she wore this look all the time! I have to say its a gorgeous hair style and super easy to complete. Let me know if you want a tutorial on how to do it! Onto the dress! I have seen this print so much for spring! I loved this when I was at Express! It is so cute! Its perfect for a night out! Its also on sale right now and I linked it for you at the bottom! Hope you are having a great Monday! See you back here on Wednesday! 

Dress: Express (ON SALE) / Shoes: Ross / Necklace: Target (Similar) / Watch: Michael Kors / Bag: Grandmothers 


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