Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Rainy day style

It's finally Wednesday! Hump day! Its here! We are that much closer to Friday! I know I am excited for the weekend! Another thing I am looking forward to is for spring to officially arrive! I am over this cold weather! I'm ready to bring out my floral dresses but this weather is just not ready for it! Yesterday all it did was rain! It was awful cold and rainy. However, I do get a little excited for rain because I get to bring out this rain jacket that my sister got me for Christmas! I kind of deal with any weather element if it lets me wear something cute or new! Well, I hope this Wednesday is treating you well and keeping you warm! See you back on Friday loves!! 

Rain Jacket: The Pink Azalea / T-Shirt: AATCC club shirt / Leggings: Discount dance supply / Boots: Alloy (Old, Similar) / Necklace: Target /  Bag: Kate Spade / Hat: Forever21 /Umbrella: Stein Mart


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