
Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year, New Goals

Happy New Year everyone! I just wanted to write a quick post and wish you a happy new year! 2015 is going to be great! 

I just wanted to share my new years resolutions with you! My main one would be to stop over thinking everything. Its something I really struggle with. I will over think what I said to a friend or I will over think did they take that the wrong way and usually I blow it out of proportion! So this year my goal is stop over thinking.

Some other goals I have for myself is to get back into my fitness routine. Last year I did really well and the end of 2014 I just kind of quit. I'm not big on gyms because I do not know how the machine works and I over think but I do love doing at home workouts. My favorite workouts to do is actually the tone it up girls from YouTube. I first saw them when they had that show on Bravo but I find the workouts easy to follow and they really work. I would love to try out their meal plan as well because it looks cool but right now I'm a broke college student so that is put on hold. 

My last goal is to really put time and effort into my blog. I had it going the past year but it was never a top priority and this year it is going to be! I love fashion and I am actually in school studying retail merchandising and product development! I just want to share my fashion sense with everyone! I hope you enjoy it! So, leave a comment and tell me what type of posts you want to see and I would love to hear your new years resolutions as well!

Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend! I'll see you on Monday!


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