
Monday, January 13, 2014

NatiNOLE Champion style

T-Shirt: Alloy
Cardigan: Windsor
Jeggings: Reef Boutique (Same here)
Sunglasses: Target 
Necklace: Payless (Similar)
Earrings: Walmart
Watch: Michael Kors
Bag: Payless ( Same in Silver)

So Florida State was in the national championship game and I was unable to go see it in Pasadena however, I got to go with a group of my friends to watch it here in town. What a game. I was freaking out the whole time (ask my friends). Anyways, one thing we always like to do is dress in school colors and look cute. It was pretty chilly that night here in Florida so, keeping warm was key! My sister got me this Windsor sweater for Christmas. I had gotten these jeggins a little before break and the necklace was one of those times you go shopping and say I'm not buying anything and then you can't past up the deal.... Guilty! Anyways, I love a good garnet and gold outfit to show everyone who I'm rooting for but as women we always want to look good. I am so happy that my Noles beat the Auburn Tigers! It was a good game by both teams but thankful we are #1! Off to finish the work I have to do for school now! Hope you are having a wonderful Monday!

Here are my friends and I right after we won!!

Thanks for checking my blog out! Find me on Instagram @SimplyStyleRemains!
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