Friday, May 15, 2015

2015 FSU Graduation

Hello everyone! I am back! I know I have been gone for a while but with the end of my internship, looking for a job, and getting ready to graduate I just didn't have the time to keep up with the blog!!

I finally did it! I graduated college with a degree in Retail Merchandising and Product Development! Wow, this is really weird! Its a bittersweet ending because I feel like I just got to college and just got to Tallahassee and truth is I did! I've only lived in Tallahassee for two years! Now, I am leaving again! I also know that a new beginning is ahead of me and life has so much to offer me. 

I spent five years in undergrad because I was unsure of what I wanted to do and it took me three years at community college before I had all the requirements to transfer to FSU! I have enjoyed my time at FSU and Tallahassee will always have a special place in my heart! I'm thankful for all the wonderful people I have met here! I've made great friendships and am so blessed to be on this journey with the wonderful people I met here. I can't wait to see the great things that will happen in their lives. I'm thankful for the experiences and everything I learned here. FSU has taught me so many important things that I will use for the rest of my life as well as give me the best memories. I learned about the industry I'm going into, I made connections with many in the industry, I met my best friends, I learned how to write a resume, I made countless memories, I learned how to interview, I joined a kickball league, I got to see my school win a national championship and I got to see us stand united when a tragedy happened on our campus! I will forever love Tallahassee and Florida State University! Thanks for helping me grow and step out of comfort zone to help shape who I am today! Thanks to ALL my friends and family who helped make this journey in my life the best one yet! Now, onto the next chapter in life!!


**Warning there are lots of pictures below. These are graduation photos of my friend Maddie and I! At the end there are pictures from me walking across the stage at graduation.**

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